So... about that piercing... I FINALLY GOT IT!
Who knew it takes so much paperwork to get a nose ring when you're a minor. I guess that's a good thing. We went to
Virtue and Vice in Atlanta to get it done. I highly, highly recommend their piercing salon! Boy, are those guys professional. The place was clean and everyone was charming, engaging and knowledgeable.
Measuring jewels and reading up on the care of my new piercing. |
I was so nervous, I started taking pics of my boots. |
The guy who did my piercing didn't take long at all. He literally ran me through the process while going through the process. Mom thought that I was going to scream. I knew otherwise, I didn't even flinch. The pain was less than two seconds. It took longer to wait to be called than to have the procedure.
Laid back waiting to be called into the procedure room. Do I look relaxed? I wasn't. Keep calm, it's only a nose piercing. |
Getting prepped and pierced. Totally cool body piercing guy and he posed for a photo with a goofy 17 year old. |
The piercing is mint green and rather cute if I must say so myself. I am proud of myself for not screaming, but more importantly, I am so happy that I was able to do this. I thanked mom the whole drive home, and then we went to see the movie
Wish I Was Here.
I had so much fun, and this was an awesome follow up to my birthday!
Can't wait to get the tops changed on my piercing! Maybe neon pink next time?
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