Get to Know Elizabeth

Session break during the recording of the I Wish You Love orchestra CD.

Music is my shield; violin, my sword.

Elizabeth Anne Lamar is a high school senior, student violinist, and snarky space cadet who, despite being an introvert, is a social butterfly in the presence of other language nerds, her neighbor's cat (Nizmo), and small babies.   

When she isn't trolling  the school media center during the lunch period or a school pep rally, she enjoys watching makeup tutorials and music videos on YouTube.  

Ever the dramatist, she 
never passes on the opportunity to deliver epic monologues on the pressures of life under Draconian rule that dictates studying AND chores are completed before going to bed each night.

She loves words and believes how we choose to use words carve either a path of service or destruction. Elizabeth is creator of the Tambourines Project and co-author of its publication Thousand Tambourines - a journal after the outcry.

::Elizabeth's Stats::

Best swag:

Purple bow hairs (for the violin bow)
My hoodie collection
My Doc Marteens
The Beats headphones I hope I get for my 17th birthday

Stuff I love:

Everything French
Book: My collection of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe 
Literary Figure: Shakespeare
Movie: The Avengers
Music Group: Michael Jackson 
Celebrity Crush: Tom Hiddleston (Loki!)

Stuff that suck:

Mean people
Anything that gets stuck in my hot pink braces

Most looking forward to right now:

AP Psychology
Studying abroad in France
Playing with my baby cousin
Getting a car

Things my mom will force me to do this year:

Take senior photos
Go to the senior prom
Wash dishes
Pick out floral linen and pink everything for my dorm

I'm most likely to:

Sleep through my alarm clock
Have a mini melt down before final exams
Argue with my mom while picking out a prom dress
Kiss my mom and beg for her forgiveness when she helps me find the perfect prom dress
Impress my new Lit teacher with my required summer reading annotations

    College road trip.  The Ohio State University. April 2014

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